My Story
Stories – Coaching and Training As a Sales trainer and Business Coach, I have the privilege to work closely with thousands of Sales professionals, their leaders and also with scores of entrepreneurs. One of the things I could do as a coach and enabler is to share some stories that could be of some use for Individual […]
My Journey
What made me a Sales and Business Coach? Until now, I have worked with over 250 companies and 9000 people as their business coach, Consultant and Trainer . Dream to become a professional coach started taking shape around 1996,while reading a book titled ” Think like a Winner” by Dr.Walter Doyle Staples. I still feel that buying […]
Director’s Catalyst
Epicentres of the Change.. I must say here that I have seen very closely the impact of leadership on the morale of people and success of the organisation. Leadership can be the only deciding factor to build a great organisation, irrespective of the nature of business. And the contributions of great leaders becomes the software of […]
Sales Leadership
Without developing the leadership, all the efforts to develop the team down the line can be ineffective. It is important to connect with the senior leadership team with a common goal and purpose. Sometimes, all our great efforts go down the drain if all the key leaders are not in alignment with the CEO and top […]
Nature is healing itself
What kind of planet do we want to leave for the coming generations ? Pandemic has certainly posed concerns for humanity in short term but in long term, it will have some specific benefits. Nature is healing itself. Possibly, we have not allowed our planet to take a break from our onslaught. We want more for ourselves […]
Sales Culture Creation
Growth of an organisation depends on its Sales and business culture . And creating a conducive culture to enable sales growth requires deep involvement of senior and top leadership. Sales culture creation requires abilities to build high quality collaboration within the organisation. All this is possible when the top management deploys all the efforts to create a work […]
I-Centric By Sridevi Dutta
Are we living in I-centric times? The train has trundled into the station. Passengers jostle their way into the various compartments. In the second AC sleeper, a middle aged woman drags her luggage. She looks haggard and tired. She eyes the twenty something young man, who is seated by the window and asks him if […]
Flow like a River – Dinkar Rao
Have you ever seen some people having instant ability to connect? You know them almost instantly. Just like a River. What is so different about these people? It does not matter who they are and what is their background. They just connect and take you along with them. Like a River. There are many such people […]
Bringing back Heart to Business – Sridevi Dutta
Vulnerabities Leadership And Vulnerability Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better. Harry S Truman A leader is a person who makes dynamism an intrinsic part of their personality. […]
Compassionate Leadership – Sridevi Dutta
I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear. Rosa Parks On a cold December evening, in the year 1955, Rosa Parks, a seamstress refused to give her seat to a White man. Rosa Parks had at that moment […]
Selling Skills
(Articles-Videos-Reflections-Recommended books) Selected from Trustworthy and Proven Sources Selling Skills – For Individual Excellence Individual excellence is crucial for building high-performance teams. It’s important for people to optimize their strengths and be clear about their ways to contribute to the teams in a valuable manner. Individuals have also a responsibility to manage their weaknesses so as to retain […]
Listening – A Powerful Tool for Success – Sridevi Dutta
Listening— A Powerful Tool for Success In a world filled with noise and constant interruptions, the power of listening is often undermined and its relevance never fully understood. A doctor who listens effectively gains the trust of her/his patients. A corporation which listens effectively to its customers and employees, succeeds in forming lasting relationship with […]

Are you a Managing Director/ CEO/ CSO/ HR Head of a company?

Are you heading Line of Business (LOB) and managing it’s P&L?

Do you want 90% of your sales team members to achieve their sales targets?